International symposium
"Recent progress in heliospheric physics by direct measurements of unexplored space plasmas"

February 25 (Mon.) - 28 (Thu), 2019
Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, Japan
Research Institute Building II, 3F-Hall (F3-3 in campus map)

The International ISEE symposium "Recent progress in heliospheric physics by direct measurements of unexplored space plasmas" will be held from 25-28 Feb. 2019 at Nagoya University, Japan. The purpose of the symposium is to bring heliospheric physicists together for discussions about new developments of heliospheric physics driven by recent and forthcoming spacecraft missions. The symposium covers broad topics related to the recent progress and future outline in heliospheric physics with invited and contributed talks. The 2018 ISEE prize winner will also give a plenary talk at the symposium.

Program (20190222v1)



Gary Zank - University of Alabama in Huntsville
Physics of the Interaction of the Solar Wind with the Very Local Interstellar Medium
Ming Zhang - Florida Institute of Technology
Heliospheric influence on the anisotropy of cosmic rays
Marco Velli - University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Understanding Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration: Parker Solar Probe
Daniel Verscharen - University College London
Studying large-scale and small-scale solar-wind turbulence with Solar Orbiter: particles and fields
John Richardson - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Recent Observations from the Voyager Spacecraft
Zhongwei Yang - Chinese Academy of Science
Analysis of energy spectra observed by New Horizons: PIC simulation results versus observations in the environment of Pluto
Mahboubeh Asgari-Targhi - Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Modeling and observations of density fluctuations in the solar wind
Mitsuo Oka - UC Berkeley
Electron Acceleration at Earth's Bow Shock: MMS Observation
Justyna M. Sokol - Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences
From IBEX to IMAP: imaging the distant heliosphere by energetic neutral atoms and interstellar neutral gas
Makoto Sasaki - Kyushu University
On the spatial profile of turbulence in magnetically confined plasmas
Munehito Shoda - University of Tokyo
Three-dimensional, self-consistent MHD simulation of the solar wind acceleration
Daikou Shiota - National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Three-dimensional MHD modeling of solar corona and inner heliosphere for space weather forecast
Ken Tsubouchi - University of Electro-Communications
Properties of pickup ion density variations in the outer heliosheath as a probe for the heliopause fluctuation
Hirohisa Hara - National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Plasma Dynamics in the Solar Corona Revealed by Emission Line Spectroscopy
Kazuoki Munakata* - Shinshu University
Long-term variation of cosmic ray intensity observed with Nagoya muon detector
Haruichi Washimi - Kyushu University
An MHD analysis of time-varying outer heliospheric structure using OMNI solar-wind daily data
Takeru Suzuki - University of Tokyo
Stellar winds and coronae from solar-type stars with different metallicities
Nobumitsu Yokoi- University of Tokyo
Multiple-scale analysis of turbulent transport in strongly compressible magnetohydrodynamic plasmas
Tomo-Hiko Watanabe - Nagoya University
Generation of Alfvenic turbulence and implication to auroral particle acceleration
Kanya Kusano - Nagoya University, ISEE
Toward the physics-based prediction of solar flares and coronal mass ejections
*: SOC
Yasuhiro Nariyuki (Toyama University), Shuichi Matsukiyo (Kyushu University), Chihiro Kato, Kazuoki Munakata (Shinshu University),
Yutaka Matsubara, Munetoshi Tokumaru (ISEE, Nagoya University)

Sponsored by Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE), Nogaoya University
, cosponsored by Society of Geomagnetism, Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences (SGEPSS)

Partly supported by a grant from Society for Promotion of Space Science


  1. Poster Size: h 180cm by w 90cm, enabling to put a poster with a A0 size (h118.9cm X w84.1cm).
  2. The ISEE Award ceremony will be held during the conference period; on February 27 afternoon at the ES hall of the ES building 1st floor (C2-4 in the campus map).
  3. The conference dinner will start on February 27 6:00 PM at the Restaurant "Hananoki" (D1-4 in the campus map).

    All participants are invited to this dinner. The fee is 4000 yen.

  4. Locations of venue, restaurant, ES hall
  5. Campus map including information of restaurants and cafes
  6. Area Guid map around the campus
  7. The meeting for result presentations of collaborative research on the heliosphere and cosmic rays will be held on February 28 AM, simultaneously with the poster seesion. All presentations of this meeting will be given in Japanese.
  8. Wifi connection: The eduroam service is available throughout the campus. For those who have no eduroam account, we can provide a guest account to connect the wifi service "nuwnet" of Nagoya University.
  9. Metro station: Nagoya Daigaku station of Meijo Line
  10. Airport: Chubu Cnetair International Airport, Nagoya
  11. Access to Nagoya University (Higashiyama campus)
  12. Higashiyama campus map